In this section you will be introduced to some useful Piping commands.
| Review/Add/Remove Category reviews or modifies the displayed category data (segregation parameters) associated with a screen view. You can use the display categories to selectively segregate the data for display, manipulation, and plotting purposes. Select View from the View pull-down menu. |
| Review Report displays an existing report in the Review Report form. You can use the form controls to page through the report. Select Review Data from the Piping pull-down menu. |
| Saved Model View creates saved views, review and display existing saved views or delete existing saved view definitions. A saved view can be used in creating drawings, defining a design volume, or displaying a defined volume within the model. Select View from the View pull-down menu. |
| Temporary Symbology highlights elements based on specified search criteria or display temporary attribute labels. You can use the highlight option or change the color, line weight, or line style. Select Review Data from the Piping pull-down menu. |
| View Options provides access to a set of options that allow you to manipulate the model views for each screen or window. Select View from the View pull-down menu. |
| Window to Named Item locates a particular pipeline, piping component, piping specialty, instrument, pipe support, equipment or nozzle in the active model or an attached reference file. The system updates the screen display for a selected view to center the located element. Select View from the View pull-down menu. |
| Place Construction Graphics places non-intelligent graphics in the model for use as construction aids. Select Placement from the Piping pull-down menu. |
| Labs |
Review Category Exercise
See Review Category for reference information.
Remove the unapproved model categories of a view.
1. Select the view.
2. Select Remove.
3. Select all unapproved model categories to be removed.
4. Identify the view.
The system updates the database and the graphics.
5. Use the Add command to turn the unapproved categories back on (repeat steps 3 and 4).
The system updates the database and the graphics.
Saved Model View Exercise
Complete the following 2 exercises.
See Saved Model View for reference information.
Window in to the two pumps 38P-101 in the plan view.
Exercise 1
Create a saved view.
1. Select the Create Saved View option.
2. Key in SVP01 for the saved view name.
3. Key in Pump Plan View for the description.
4. Select Confirm.
5. Identify the view.
The system updates the database.
Exercise 2
Delete a saved view.
1. Select the Delete Saved View option.
2. Select the saved view to delete from the list.
3. Select Confirm.
The system updates the database.
Temporary Symbology Exercises
See Temporary Symbology for reference information.
Exercise 1
Search your model pipeline MMA0104 and have it appear as red.
1. Select the Color Pallet option.
2. Select Red from the form.
3. Select Confirm.
4. Select Segment Search Criteria.
5. Select Fluid Code.
6. Select the = operator.
A list of fluid codes display.
7. Select MMA from the list and Confirm.
8. Select And.
9. Select Line Sequence Number.
10. Select the = operator.
11. Key in 0104.
12. Select Confirm.
13. Identify the view.
The system highlights in red all piping that satisfy the search criteria. The red highlight is temporary and will disappear when the view is updated.
Exercise 2
Display the NPD of all pipelines.
1. Select Display Only Labels.
2. Select Nominal Piping Diameter.
3. Identify a view.
The system updates the graphics. The text is temporary and disappears when the view is updated.
Window to Named Item Exercises
Complete the following two exercises.
See Window to Named Item for reference information.
Exercise 1
Window to equipment/nozzle 38V-101/N3.
1. Select Equipment & Nozzle Number.
2. Key in the equipment/nozzle number.
3. Identify the view.
The system updates the graphics.
Exercise 2
Window to pipeline MMA0104-6IN-1C0031-P.
1. Select Line ID.
2. Key in the line ID number.
3. Identify the view.
The system updates the graphics.
Complete the following two exercises.
Lab 1
Using the Temporary Symbology command, highlight pipeline GOX0112-XIN-2C0032-N in violet.
Lab 2
Create a saved view of your choice and display it in view 6.
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