In this section you will learn how to use the following command to perform diagnostics, measure distances, and review the piping job specification.
| Diagnostic provides access to a set of utilities used to verify the integrity of the model file. Select File from the File pull-down menu. |
| Highlight Piping on Segment highlights all of the piping linked to a specified segment. |
| Repair Associativity to Segment updates the informational linkages which link a piping component to a piping segment. |
| Repair Associativity with Nozzle establishes a linkage for a segment end which is graphically connected to an equipment nozzle. |
| Review Attribute Linkage displays all the linkages for a specified piping component or piping segment. |
| Find Segment or Component by Linkage locates a piping component or segment given its linkage. |
| Review Coordinates (IGBS) allows you to review the coordinates of a piping component or segment in positional units. |
| Verify Data Integrity of Model checks for piping segment overlaps, gaps in piping components, and the existence of corresponding line routes for all informational linkages. |
| Verify Nozzle at Pipeline End checks for linkage between the segment endpoint and an equipment nozzle. |
| Verify Piping Reconstruct verifies that each component can be replaced based on data from the Piping Job Specification, Graphic Commodity Library, and Physical Data Library. |
| Measure Distance measures perpendicular and absolute distances between two specified points. |
| Verify Branch Reinforcement reports the calculated reinforcing pad width in situations where the reinforcement is inadequate. |
| Compare Segment Data compares the segment data of two connected segments. |
| Review Piping Job Specification displays data in the Piping Job Specification database, including the associated tables and the piping commodity data, for any Piping Material Class. |
| Review Component Placement displays component placement data for the last component placed in the model during the active design session. |
| Review RDB Management Data displays the RDB files being used by the active project. |
| Review COG and Weights displays the weights of a component and its corresponding center of gravity. |
| Measure Angle measures user specified angles. |
| Verify Wall Thickness Calculation displays the schedule/thickness values for a selected component. |
| Labs |
Lab 1
1. Select the Highlight Piping on Segment option
2. Identify a segment on pipeline MMA0104 (pump suction pipeline).
The system highlights all associated components.
Lab 2
Using Compare Segments, review pipeline MMA0104-XIN-2C0032-P.
Lab 3
Using Verify Data Integrity of Model check pipeline MMA0104-XIN-2C0032-P. If any errors occur, correct them and recheck the pipeline.
Lab 4
Using Verify Nozzle at Pipeline End review the nozzle connection on pipeline MMA0104-XIN-2C0032-P. If any errors occur, use the Associate Segment with Nozzle option to correct them.
Lab 5
1. Using Review Attribute Linkage review the data on pipeline MMA0104-XIN-2C0032-P.
2. Identify a component or pipe in pipeline MMA0104 (try the eccentric reducer).
The system displays the database address for the component center.
3. Select Confirm.
The system displays the database address for CP1 of the component.
4. Select Confirm.
The system displays the database address for CP2 of the component.
5. Select Exit.
Lab 6
Using the Measure Distance option, calculate the distance between the discharge nozzles of pumps 38P-101A and 38P-101B.
Make sure snap and locate are on in the reference models being checked.
Lab 7
Part 1
Review a branch table for any piping material class.
1. Select the Piping Material Class List from the Other Specification Data area.
2. Select the PMC 2C0032 from the list, then Confirm.
3. Select Review Spec Tables.
4. Select Branch Tables, then Confirm.
5. Select angle 90.
6. Now you can scroll through the table and find the branch you want to review.
Part 2
Review a piping commodity for the active piping material class.
1. Select Piping Commodity Data.
2. Select Search for Commodity Name.
3. Key in 6Q2C01.
4. Select 6Q2C01 from the list.
5. You can now review the commodity you selected.
Lab 8
Using Review COG and Weights check the major valves in pipelines MMA0104 and MMA0105.
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