I had been into a search for sometime for getting a book related to oil and gas laws. There are so many books available online but there is nothing much which is relevant to these thing. Hence, after a long search after so many days, i found two books which are a must have thing if you want to gain more knowledge about oil and gas laws.
I tried so long, that if i may find an e-book for it but for purchasing, only paper back edition is available. Hence i am listing both books below which should be helpful for all.
1) The Law Relating To Oil And Gas, Including Oil And Gas Leases And Contracts, Production Of Oil And Gas, Both Natural And Artificial, And Supplying Heat And Light
2) Oil and Gas Law in a Nutshell, 5th Edition (Nutshell Series)![]()
This book is pretty much useful for those who are in oil and gas transaction and are cover basic areas of business related to cases and theories of trading. Also it's useful for those who are studying any course related to oil and gas worldwide. It is again of the comprehensive database which is a must have thing for many. If you want to know more details about this, head over to below given link. You'll find many reviews too related to it. Unfortunately, this book is also only available as paper back only.I shall be adding more books on this article related to oil and gas laws if i found any. If you know any book, which is related to oil and gas laws related topic, please let me know in comments.
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